Friday 28 May 2010

Good Technology

The word technology sometimes leads to confusion.

Actually many people think of computers or really funky machines when they come across it. The idea that a pen represented technology in the past or many other simple services created to satisfy people, does not really spring to mind at first.

To think of my favorite piece of technology is rather simple. I have two, though.
I think the first one if my mobile phone. That is for a very simple reason. I like the idea of integration. For me to have a camera, the music I like and a diary with the numbers of poeple I want to ring, is really good I can't believe I used to memorize so many numbers! My brain must be deteriorating big time nowadays. The best part of it is the organizer. This is the only way I get to pay bills on time, send "boletas" on certain dates, etc. I love it. I got it in 2007 and use it all the time.
The second item I'd like to mention is the external disc drive. I think when you have lost all your info because your PC died or because you got it stolen or whatever reason, it can be really tragic. That is why I learnt we need to save info on a safe place that "ideally" will not collapse or disappear. I have complete books, whole albums of good music, and lots of documents that have taken me hours to download or write myself and don't want to lose. I don't remember when I got this but long ago. Could I live without them? Hell yeah! I would have to get used to it, that's all.

Describe your favourite piece of Technology.

- How you got it
- How long you have used it
- How often you use it
- Why you like it

Describe how life would be without it (220 words minimum)1 comment on your teacher's blog and 3 Comments on your classmates'.


  1. Mobil phone...I agree with you..about this.

  2. I believe that mobile phone is a good example of a machine that every time includes more things.

  3. The computer sometimes i scare, because the memory of computer to keep more things that my own memory... and that is a little strange

  4. I did not know that are you fanatic of the tecnology. I was thinking other things. But really is necessary to use the tecnology.

  5. The cell phone is necessary at times, it make us not have to go to a public telephone, jaaaa.
    The external disc drive is very useful. But as Camila says, it is like a part of our own memory and this shivers to me... make all our legacy something abstract, nothing physical or tangible.

  6. Cell Phone is no doubt the most important thing in current life, you're just out of range if you don't have one or have one but turned off.

    About the external disc, i could doubt it, because now we have virtual discs that are enough to save the essential information.


  7. I agree with the teacher: the idea of integration. I think that is base for the digital information and technologic objects. I read a book respect this: "¿Qué es lo virtual?" by Pierre Lévy and, in general, respect to Hipertext.

  8. Teacher!!!!
    I think that I'm going to used the external disc drive!
    I haven't done the support of my info!

  9. Ohh Technology!! Really is important.. Today is almost a support of the live.. I think how you about the movile phone although just I understand my phone..

    Regards.! :D

  10. I don't know what, but I didn't believe that the technology was so important to you...

  11. I bought a phone few days ago, my previous phone was very primitive jeje

  12. I think that the cellphone is good and bad at the same time because we can be expecting for the inmediacy ... and dependent.

    the external disc .. i don't know about this but if make your life more comfortable.. it's ok!

    see you !
