Thursday 13 May 2010

Task 1

I'd like to tell you about a wonderful place I visited in 2008. Actually, I think it is one of the most amzing places I have seen in the past few years, and it is just around the corner. I went there with my husband and my sister- in-law. I had to drive for around 9 hours to get there (neither of them felt like driving), but it was well worth it. The place is called Malalcahuello, but I think all the surroundings are quite impressive. This holiday was kind of nuts, but really nice. It was kind of crazy to travel with my sister-in-law for so many days. We camped, we stayed in hostels, we ate lovely food, we swam in lakes, we had fights, we met nice people and saw amazing deers, rabbits, foxes and birds.

This particular picture was taken on the way from Malacahuello to Corralco (a great national park) and it shows one of the many half- dead trees in the area. I believe the ninth region is really gorgeous. I am a big fan of green in the whole sense of the word. I was born in the south and maybe this is what makes me love this colour so much.

Write about a place in Chile that you enjoyed visiting. Upload a picture.

When you went there

Who you went with

What you did there

Why you like this place

(200-220 words)

Then write at least one comment on your teacher's blogs and three comments on your classmates' blogs


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW!! I never have heard about that place, I imagine that it should be fantastic. How you I really like the nature :D

  3. I love to travel, but I not idea about this place, I want visit it someday.

  4. I never visited this place. But, in according with your post, it must be very beautiful.

  5. The place sounds beautiful, and the picture is very beautiful too. I like the point of view in the image.

    Regards :)

  6. I don't know that place (actually i don't kown bery much of Chile), but because of of your words, i can imagine that is a beautiful place, i like very much the south i so cold and green!.


  7. Hello
    The photography is very interesting, is melancholic and has an artistic sense.

  8. I never had listen about Malalcahuello. For the descriptions nust do beautifull! Me too I like to camp.

  9. I don't know Malalcahuello, but I love photography!

  10. Malalcahuello?
    I looked it in internet, It's really beautiful!

    the tree of the photo is like a person, I can see
    their arms.....

  11. you impress me! I like the strange places .. like this ... i don't know that , even his name ...

    I think that Chile is beau ti full !
    and santiago whit rain .. like today

  12. profe: you are very adventurous!!!
    the travel is one fantastic experience, I like it very much, and if is in contac with the nature is better

  13. You suffer from the same that Vivi!!!

    I loved the south of Chili.

    I don't have figths with my sister-in-law, we loved!!! jajaja

  14. I love your photography, is very interesting and melancholic. I don't know Malalcahuello, but for you post I want know!


  15. Someday i will travel around my country and i'll could finally say "i know all my country"

    Regards =)

  16. Teacher! I can't post the last week, I apologize. By the way, I have to say: damn your picture is awesome, I love it!
    See you the next class!
