Thursday 3 June 2010

Talk Review

Talk Review

This week we are taking a look at the TED website:

You have to visit it, watch Sir Ken Robinson's talk "Do Schools Kill Creativity" , NOT the latest one.

and then write a 230 words review.

1 comment on teacher's blog. 3 comments on classmates ,please. Talk Review


  1. I've saw this video already and i can say that this man is absolutely right, many times i've though of that and i made the conclusion that there are so many people who -today- "experts" said that are sick, but actually are misunderstood, or they are not well-educated.

    I think that if more people listened and though about this kind of messages, our world will be eventually, more understanding with the others, with those who are not "productives" as the "normal" people.

    Regards, such a good task teacher!

  2. I was visit this site dince the last year... and is very interesting the theme that today you present us because is something that we can`t leave behind!

    thank you for show this ... the people need know about this situation.


  3. I agreed with Diego and Tutina, je. It is a problem. But also we must see that Robinson have his humor for critic education.

  4. The education is a fundamental topic and the authorities in this theme should to pay more attention. Not all the children have the same intelligence, and we should rethinking about this.

  5. Hello
    I believe that the education has had better moments that it lives nowadays. Though always it is possible to improve the situation.

  6. well teacher, I don't want to be pessimistic or blame to others "persons" about my "problems" (you now)
    But, the system create differences in us. The education is the instance for bring to the people.
    Is more convenient to be alienate, because living is easy with eyes closed.
    But I prefer have other attitude now, I'm going to be more optimistic, the Hegemonic group don't go to win this battle!

  7. Hello!

    I really liked the video!
    My favorite part was when Ken Robinson said that we have to reconstitute our conception of the richness of human capacity

  8. I know what he says is true. But don't like me his "enterprice management" attitude.

  9. as say vivi this system to create difference between the people.
    i belive sometimes that when we take conscience of this situation is very difficult don´t feel anger or disappointment, but the point is don´t stay only in that feeling and to act.

  10. Teacher!! I really like the video but I didn`t understand all. The man have a way very intelligent and funny of to express his ideas or the problems about the education of the world.

  11. Teacher, I prefer Google traductor. Blessings!

  12. I did like very much the activity of last friday. Sir Robinson was right on what he said at all.
    Thank you!
    Good bye

  13. Hello,

    I think the same that Emilio. He say that there are more than one culture line: an official and other "under". There are options.
